lunedì, giugno 24, 2013
nomino la signora Anne Marie Baranger ha lo stato civile, sono di nazionalità italiana. se vi invio questa mail, sapete che è l'opera di DIO che lo ha portato a sceglierli fra tante mail archivi sul netto di affidarvi questa grande responsabilità di cui sono convinto che prenderete come una benedizione ed un regalo venuto da una donna in buona fede. Che non vi conosco, ciò ben vero che chiedo a DIO, è di rendere il vostro cuore santo per realizzare i miei progetti con questo disco ottico digitale.
Mi sento così male ogni giorno poiché non so se sopravvivrò dopo le varie operazioni. Ben amato, ho paura di morire ma la vita non mi lascia la scelta. Prego l'eterno, il nostro dio di concedermi un posto nei cieli. Ho tanto sofferto con questo male ben amato.
Il mio più grande desiderio che potete portarlo è di restare in preghiera con me poiché so che siete uno che crede di dio. Non volevo lasciare questa terra senza rendersi conto che il mio denaro ha servito ai bambini privati, poveri, orfani ed altri, un grande sollievo ben amato. Questa responsabilità è pesante a prendere ma vi offro questa somma perché gestirvelo come se fosse vostro nell'interesse di realizzare i miei desideri più costosi al mondo.
A volte, mi chiedo perché la mia esistenza sul pianeta si rintana poiché ho vissuto inutilmente ben amato. Non ho avuto un bambino ma almeno ho l'affezione che proviene da parte vostra e ciò lo rallegra così tanto che abbiate pensare a me in questi momenti difficili. Non so come voi ringraziare ma dio solo ve lo renderà al centuplo. Sono ospedalizzato in un ospedale del nome di St THOMAS'a Widick in Inghilterra.
Sarò molto onorato di leggerli per mettervi in contatto con la mia istituzione per le procedure a seguire per essere in conseguimento dei miei fondi cioè dei miei beni non appena possibile prima della mia operazione perché facciate bene uso.
Li desidero di passare buoni momenti e che il signore molto potente li protegge e come pure la vostra famiglia.
A presto la signora Anne Marie Baranger .
domenica, giugno 23, 2013
Il tuo account e stato congelato.
Questo e un messagio automatico dal sistem per farvi sapere che e necessario confermare informazioni del tuo account entro 24 ore.
Il tuo account e stato congelato temporaneamente per proteggerlo.
Il conto continueranno ad essere congelati fino quando non viene approvato.
Click qui per controlare informazioni del tua account
Noi siamo qui per voi
2013 - Azienda PayPal. Tutti i diritti riservati
I am here by inform you to contact, FedEx express with your delivery
address and telephone nos,where The interest of
($950.000.00) (box) will Deliver to you as a cash payment of your
holding inheritance Funds to avoid another hoax as you're
disappointed in the past, this is their Contact info.
Dr. Raymond Hillary
Note this registration Fed/122p/mtm/2013 Zip Code;AXL1413
God Bless you,
Attention please!!!
Attention please!!! I have registered your ATM CARD of $3.5 with Ups Express Courier Company with registration code of ( DCJKT00678G). please Contact them with your delivery information such as, Your Name, Your Address ID CARD COPY and Your Telephone Number: Ups Office: Contact Person: Hon Jerry Leo E-mail:( PHONE +229-68 09 30 01 I have paid for the Insurance & Delivery fee. The only fee you have to pay is their Security fee only. Please indicate the registration Number and ask them how much their Security fee is so that you can pay it. Best Regards, Mr.Smith Daye |
How are you doing presently, I hope this my mail will reach you in
good condition of health, I will really like to have a good
relationship with you, I have a special reason why I decided to
contact you because of the urgency of my situation here. My name is
Miss. Fatimah Juliet Yak ,Am 29years old girl from Sudanese, the
only daughter of late Dr. Justin Yak who was former Minister for
SPLA Affairs and Special Adviser to President Salva Kiir of South
Sudan for Decentralization. My father Dr. Justin Yak and my mother
including other top Military officers and top government officials
had been on board when the plane crashed on Friday May 02, 2008. You
can read more about the crash through the below site:
I am forced to contact you because of the maltreatment I am
receiving from my step mother and my Uncle. they planned to take
away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the
unexpected death of my beloved Parents. their aim was to kill me.
After the burial of my father, my uncle conspired with my
step-mother and sold my father's properties to a Chinese Expatriate
and live nothing for me.
Meanwhile, I wanted to escape to the Europe but my step mother hide
away my international passport and other valuable traveling
documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my Father's
File which contains important documents. So I decided to ran to the
refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United
Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Cotonou Benin. I
wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship
and investment assistance in your country.
My father of blessed memory deposited amount sum $2, 500,000.00 in
the bank in Benin with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall
forward you with the necessary information of the deposit on
confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and
investment of the fund in your country. As you will help me in an
investment and I will like to complete my studies, as I was in my
school before i escaped to this country Cotonou Benin to safe my
It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for
your services and the balance shall be my investment capital. This
is the reason why I decided to contact you. Please all
communications should be through this email address only for
confidential purposes.( E-MAIL: )
As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I
will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above,
I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and
willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.
I am staying at the female hostel under the guardian of Rev. Father
who celebrates mass with us here in the camp. Awaiting your urgent
and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self please
I beg you not to disclose it till I come over once the fund has been
transferred. I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need
further clarification, then send in your questions. i will try to
send you my picture in my next mail. Thanks as i hope to receive
from you soon.
Yours Dearly
Miss. Fatimah Yak
sabato, giugno 22, 2013
Donazione della Signora Anne Sedes
Saluti Calvario a voi nel nome del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo. Sono la Signora .Anne Sedes dal Kuwait. Ero sposata con.Daniel Sedes, che ha lavorato con l'ambasciata del Kuwait in Costa d'Avorio per nove anni prima di morire l'anno scorso. Ci siamo sposati da undici anni senza un bambino. Mio marito è morto dopo una breve malattia che è durata solo quattro giorni. Prima della sua morte, siamo nati di nuovo i cristiani.
Mia cara, lo so che sei sorpresa nel ricevere questa lettera, ma come un figlio del Dio vivente, si dovrebbe sapere che le nostre strade non sono le sue vie. La Bibbia mi dice che lavora in molti modi e tutto funziona al bene di coloro che hanno creduto in Gesù Cristo. Neonato, è anche il leader dello Spirito Santo di Dio che ho scelto voi in obbedienza e l'amore per soddisfare il desiderio del mio defunto marito, che ho sostenuto per la gloria di Dio. Voglio capire che questa benevolenza è in ade mpiment o del desiderio e la decisione del mio defunto marito che io sono convinto di attualizzare.
Dopo la morte del mio amato marito, ho deciso di non risposarsi o avere un figlio fuori dalla mia casa dei coniugi, che la Bibbia è contro. Quando mio marito era vivo ha depositato la somma di dollari 3,5 milioni dollari (Tre milioni cinquecentomila dollari) in una banca qui a Abidjan, Costa d'Avorio. Attualmente, questo denaro è ancora in banca.
Recentemente, il mio medico mi ha detto che non sarebbe durato per il periodo di nove mesi a causa del mio problema cancro. Quello che mi disturba di più è la mia malattia ictus. Aver conosciuto la mia condizione, ho deciso di donare questo fondo ad una organizzazione di carità, la chiesa, organizzazione cristiana, o di un vero credente, che utilizzerà questi soldi la strada che sto per istruire qui.
Voglio che questo fondo da utilizzare per gli orfanotrofi, scuole, chiese, le vedove, e il privilegio di pers one in meno di moltiplicazione della parola di Dio e per assicurarsi che la casa di Dio è mantenuta. La Bibbia ci ha fatto capire che "Benedetto è la mano che dà". Ho preso questa decisione perché non ha nessun figlio che erediteranno questo denaro e mio marito, i parenti sono increduli e non voglio che gli sforzi di mio marito per essere utilizzati da non credenti.
Non voglio una situazione in cui questi soldi saranno utilizzati in modo empi. È per questo che mi prendere questa decisione. Io non ho paura della morte, quindi so dove sto andando. So che sto per essere nel seno del Signore. Esodo 14 VS 14 dice che "Il Signore combatterà il mio caso e mi tiene la mia pace". Non ho bisogno di alcuna comunicazione telefonica in questo senso a causa della mia condizione di salute e la presenza di parenti di mio marito è sempre intorno a me cercando di rivendicare questo denaro da me che mio marito partì per me. Io non li voglio sapere di questo sviluppo. Con Dio tutto è possibile.
Io voglio che tu a gestire da soli perché la mia salute non può permettere che a me come mi sono stati immessi in dialisi visita medica periodica. Anche io sto scrivendo questa lettera con l'assistenza di una sorella che utilizza per aiutare me. Io voglio che tu mandami il tuo nome, cognome e indirizzo in modo che posso giurare di una dichiarazione giurata, sotto giuramento, che ufficialmente e legalmente riconosciuti voi come lo parente più prossimo a questo fondo che, anche se io sono morto il vostro reclamo per il fondo nel la banca non sarà in dubbio. Sarò inviando la dichiarazione giurata del giuramento e il certificato di deposito di questo fondo subito dopo la deposizione è pronto.
Non appena riceveremo la sua risposta ti darò il contatto con la banca in Abidjan Costa d'Avorio, dove questo denaro è stato depositato dal mio amato marito. Farò anche questione è la dichiarazione giurata del giuramento che giuridica men te e approvare ufficialmente che il parente più prossimo e nuovi beneficiari al fondo insieme con il certificato di deposito di questo fondo, che il mio defunto marito utilizzato per pagare i soldi in banca. Voglio che tu sempre pregare per me perché il Signore è il mio pastore.
La mia felicità è che ho vissuto una vita degna di un cristiano. Chiunque che vuole servire il Signore deve servirlo in spirito e verità.
Si prega di essere sempre preghiera per tutta la vita.
Qualsiasi ritardo nella sua risposta mi darà spazio ad approvvigionarsi di un'altra persona con il medesimo scopo.
Pleae mio caro mr contatto con questa mia e-mail (
Sperando di ricevere la vostra risposta urgente.
1) Nome del beneficiario ..
(2) Indirizzo ........
(3) Impiego ... ... ....
(4) Nazionalità .... ... ... .
(5) La tua età / sesso ... ...
(6) Il tuo stato civile ... .
(7) Numero di telefono.... ...
Restano benedetta nel Signore.
Suo in Cristo
SSignora .Anne Sedes
venerdì, giugno 21, 2013
we agreed
and the delivery will take off tomorrow morning based on my agreement
with UPS Director
Dr. Nelson White phone: +229-68808987 MOST IMPORTANT: reconfirm your
Full Name, Country and your phone number(s) to him then contact him via
the following
Mr. Richard
Urgent Reply
Mis últimos deseos!
hospitalizado en hospital MARSDEN real el de Sutton (Inglaterra) para el
tratamiento de un tumor cerebral que arrastre por 8 años. De hecho estoy
contactándolo porque mi difunto esposo Ingeniero a consultor para 12
años y yo habíamos movilizado una pequeña fortuna de $ 2025000 que
invertimos en obras humanitarias.No tengo hijo con mi marido.Pero contra
la luz de mi estado de salud lo hare mas me en ocupado personalmente.
Así que necesito que alguien que tiene el temor de Dios para poner fin a
este proyecto. "Llevó a aceptar esta oferta con el fin de ayudar a los
más pobres porque" nadie tiene el derecho a ser felices solo "por favor,
respóndeme a mi dirección de correo:"
societe general <>
giovedì, giugno 20, 2013
I pray God that this message reaches you
Hello My Good Friend, N
My Name Is Sarah David
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? I hope
this mail finds you in an excellent condition of health.
But if you do not remember me, you have received an email from me in the
past regarding my late father inheritance multi-
million-dollar business proposal which we never concluded at that time.
I am using this opportunity to inform you that my late father
inheritance which was WILL in my name have been concluded with
another Greek Merchant who financed it to a logical conclusion. I thank
you for your great effort to our unfinished transfer
of the funds into your account, due to one reason or the other best to
known you at that time.
Due to the effort, sincerity, courage and trust worthiness you showed
during the course of the transaction, I want to
compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of $400,000.00.
I have left an international certified bank draft
for you, worth about $400,000.00 cash-able anywhere in the world.
My dear friend I will like you to contact my PASTOR, PASTOR PETER ALLEN
so that he will send the draft to you without any
delay. At the moment, I 'm very busy here in Paraguay South American,
trying to invest my money with the help of the Good
Samaritan who hears my cry and assistant in the release of my funds with
the bank. Please I will like you to accept this
token with good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart.
ADDRESS: No. 183 Western Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Therefore, you should send him your full Name, telephone number and
contact address for his reference and make further
arrangement with him on how you want to receive your check.
Thanks you in anticipation for your past efforts and God bless you.
I waited for your message as you told me with none received. Remember, i
supposed to have travelled last night but the weather is too bad. I will
be leaving to Paraguay tomorrow.
Meanwhile, contact the Bank manager with below address, i have kept
the cheque with them at amount of USD2.5. They will either mail it to
you or remit it for transfer depending on how you want it; Here is Bank
contact information:
Name Of Manager: Dr Henry Cosh
Thank you.
Jim Harry
lunedì, giugno 17, 2013
I am contacting you in order to ask for your assistance on a very
confidential business proposal with full financial benefit for both of
us,I m not does people that work from Internet to Internet this proposal
is specially for you.
First,it took me 4 mouths to find your contact,in this business all i
need is your trust for us to work it out.But before i explain the reason
let me tell you about my situation.
Since my husband got assassinated last year ,my children and i have been
in trouble with our king.Before the death he had $15 million
USD,over-invoiced government money in his care.
Presently,I am the only one with access to the money and nobody has the
knowledge of this situation.This money has be considered lost by our
king and officials who conspired to steal it before entrusting it to my
late husband.
When i locate the document leading to the where about of the money,i
hired a financial consultant who went and found the status of things and
where it is kept.But unfortunately my late husband safe-deposited the
money in a security firm in Europe.
If you accept to work with me, i am ready to give you 30%of of the
entire amount, At which time i will explain the steps to you in details
in my response to your Email. I have pray and my spirit tells me you can
be of help. But if for any reason you do not want to do this business
Stay bless.
This message must not be discussed with third party,and be blessed as
you heed to this.
Kindly reach me on my private
Thanks for your understanding.
your Faithfully
Hello.Peace be unto you
Greetings how are you? I am Mrs.Dolores Morrish. an aging widow
suffering from cancer leukemia,am confined in a nursing home. I
inherited fund from my late loving husband Mr.Michael.Morrish, The sum
of [USD$5.2 Millions] which he deposited in Bank, I need a good honest
person who will use these funds for charity works. I want this fund to
be used for charity work because I have no child to inherit it, 15% will
be for your compensation for doing this work. Please if you would be
willing to carry out the project kindly reply for more information
thanks and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Dolores Morrish.
I have a business proposal, please contact me for more info.
Best Regards
Mr. Ali Saeed
Re: Transfer Notification
Re: Bank Payment Notification/Wire Transfer Approvals
Kindly reply to our official email (
We wish to inform you that you have been recommended by my bank Oceanic Bank Nigeria Plc , to pay you the sum of US$10,500,000.00 which is based on the understanding and current proposed legislative payment agreement.
Our Bank as a member of the financial services compensation scheme established under the financial services and market act 2000 as at 31 Dec, The Bank is subjected to pay all outstanding debts within the European Economic Areas and Deposits denominated in all currencies and treated alike.
To ensure we carry out our normal payment procedures accurately and to help in continually improve our services and interest of security; we therefore demand that you send your proper identity to confirm your person as the beneficiary. We shall also require you to confirm your acceptance to receive funds.
Please indicate correct telephone number, address and receiving Bank details. Any information that is not correct may likely prohibit us from making transfer. Your information will be treated with utmost security and shall be
used for services related reasons.
We would like to inform you that our Bank shall be making transfer to your account once we have received your full acceptance replying this mail. To enable the immediate transfer of your funds to your account you are to forward
us below details.
1. Account holders Name.......
2. Account Number..............
3.Bank Name/ address.............
4.Routing Number...................
5.Your Telephone Number......
6.Your occupation/Age............
7.Copy of your driver"s license.
Kindly reply to our official email (
Yours sincerely,
Mr. James Morgan
Attn From Interpol Office Benin Republic
Your funds have been approved and packaged in an ATM CARD with FedEx.
All you have to do is to contact dispatch officer: Email: with your delivery information such as,
Your Name,Address,Occupation and phone:,He will give you direction on
how you will receive your ATM valued sum of $4.5million.
You are expected to pay for the bulk delivery charge of only $100
instead of $135.99 due to the contract signed with them for bulk shipping.
Email them with above address, the contact person is Rev Dan Benster
with phone number; +229 98510756.
Thank you.Mrs.Jason Kushner
Dear Webmail Account Owner
Dear Webmail Account Owner,
This message is from web mail admin messaging center to all web mail account owners. We are currently upgrading our data base and e-mail account center. We are canceling unused web mail email account to create more space for new accounts.
To stop your Account from closing update it by confirming your email identity below,
Username: .......
Password: .......
Date of Birth: ........
Warning!!! Any account owner that refuses to update his or her account within Three days of this update notification will lose his or her account permanently.
Thank you for using web mail
Support Team
Partenariato e di investimento
However you will have to
Fill and submit the below information to the events manager
1. Full name.... 2. Contact Address.... 3.Age..... 4. Telephone
Number.Status.....6. Sex......7. Occupation.....8
State…………… 9. Country.......
Name: Mr. Mathew Miller
Once again congratulations...
From: Keith McCollum
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:04 AM
To: Keith McCollum
My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in
July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to
you. Contact us via our personal email for more details
( You can verify our story by visiting the web
page below.
Dearest in the Lord
With due Respect and Humanity I write to donate/ hand over this fund to
you My name is Mrs. Lilian Anderson Ledoh. I am married to Engineer
William Anderson Ledoh. from Indonesia, who worked with Oil company
(Shell) here in Nigeria for nine years before he died in the year 2008.
We were married for eleven years without a child, He died after a brief
illness that lasted for only four days and before his death we were both
born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a
child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my
late husband was alive he deposited the sum of ($7.8 MILLION U.S.A
DOLLARS) in Zenith bank of Nigeria. And recently, My Doctor told me that
I would not last for the next four months due to my cancer problem
(cancer of the lever and stroke). Presently this money is still in the
bank. Having known my condition I am in need of a honest Hearted
Individual Christian or Church that will utilize this fund the way I am
going to instruct herein. I want somebody that will use this fund
according to the desire of my late husband to help Less-privileged
people, orphanages, widows and propagating the word of God.
I took this decision because I dont have any child that will inherit
this fund, And I dont want in away where this money will be used in an
ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this
fund. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want you
to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my up coming
Cancer Surgery.Write back to me as soon as possible because any delay in
your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same
purpose, Hoping to read from you soon. With God all things are possible.
As soon as I receive your reply I will issue you an authorization letter
that will prove you the present beneficiary of this fund.
Please reply through my alternative email address:
May God Bless You,
Mrs. Lilian Anderson Ledoh.
PHONE NUMBER: +229 982 835 56
Information Section.
760 United Nations Plaza,
New York, NY 10017, USA.
Attention: Sir/Madam,
We wish to inform you that your payment of USD$10Million from the
Federal Republic of Nigeria has been released and ready to be paid to
you via ATM VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw the US$10Million
from any ATM Machine in any part of the world.
We have mandated the Access Bank Nigeria Plc, to issue an ATM VISA CARD
and PIN# which you will use to withdraw the fund from any ATM machine in
any part of the world but the maximum amount you can withdraw per day is
US$20,000.00. You are advice immediately to contact MR.VICTOR ETUKWU the
Manager of Access Bank Nigeria Plc via his email address: and send him your information such as;
1) Your Full Name.
2) Your Contact Address.
3) Your Home Phone, Mobile/Cell Phone and fax Number.
The ATM VISA CARD approval in your name has been sent to MR.VICTOR
ETUKWU and he is waiting for your above information to enable him
process and send you the CARD and PIN number without any delay. So make
sure you contact him right now with your information and tell him that
you received a message from the UNITED NATION, Instructing you to
contact him for immediate release of your fund via ATM VISA CARD.
Contact FBI via this email: if you did not receive this
ATM VISA CARD after 72hours you contacted him. You are warned to
disregard other contact or any communication you have with other offices.
Please we are very sorry for the plight you have gone through in the
past. Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept out
Yours Sincerely,
MR. Kiyotaka Akasaka
Public Information Officer.
From: Mr. Thomas Maleke
My name is MR. THOMAS MALEKE from South Africa but works with the
British high commission. In view of my position as introduced and
explained, I have this privileged information for you out of sympathy to
save your fund from a big problem, which will ruin your fund payment at
your bank by the USA monitoring agents.
THE BACKGROUND OF THIS REASONS it may interest you to know that fund
transfer irregularities and misconduct of huge sums of money out of
Nigeria during the Military era has created suspicions on any movement
of large amount, which is to be routed through Nigeria. For this reason,
the new House of Government under the leadership of Senator David MARK
(Senate President) has formed a committee on Finance/Economic matters.
This Committee was mandated to deliberate on all fund movement above
$5,000,000.00 USD and also to recover all suspected funds. Consequently,
our organization has been mandated to assist to monitor all fund
movement out of Nigeria.
Therefore, this letter is highly confidential and top secret. For this
reason, you must not inform anybody about this letter or my contact with
you. You must keep my relationship with you to be topped secret and
highly confidential. If you can follow my advice and guidance, I will
inform you the only way out for the dispatch of your fund peacefully
without any seizure by either your bank or the US Monitoring Agencies to
know. But if you ignore my advice, your fund movement by bank transfer
will surely hit a brick wall and you will keep spending money and time
with energy and without any success until you forfeit the whole amount,
which will be deferred at that time for a seizure when the Monitoring
Unit will adopt the motion for seizure. The September 11th 2001 bombing
of the WTC in USA has compelled a strict monitoring and checks on all
huge sums of money around the globe. For this reason, the security
Network in USA has requested us here in Nigeria to investigate your
fund, which has been routed for trans
1. The real source of your fund.
2. Your funds background on Foreign Bills of entries.
In pursuit of that, I discovered so many anomalies, which may create the
security network for seizure of your fund. And your bank may start
asking, which may even put the bank into a big problem for suspicions by
the USA Security Network as a bank that keeps Terrorist fund. I am
writing this letter out of sympathy and I am willing to assist you and
avoid any danger to the successful conclusion. In order for me to help
you, the following are my conditions:
1. You must keep my relationship with you highly secret/confidential.
2. You must not expose all the above information to anybody.
3. You must be willing to act fast on any information, directives and
advice from me.
But if you expose this information, I will be compelled to do the right
report and in that case, you will blame yourself. The method for you to
receive this fund is by cash at your doorstep, which I will deliver to
you at your address. Further details on this arrangement will be
furnished to you as soon as I have received your comments to carry on.
By then, I will be in a good position to explain to you more on how to
carry out the mission.
As soon as I receive your response, First I will scan and send you my
international diplomatic passport and I will give you more on the way of
such arrangements and I will also inform you our percentage that you
will be required to give us as soon as we have handed over the fund to
you at your address. Therefore, further details will be furnished to you
and my identity will be forwarded as soon as I receive your reply,
please reply me back on this email:
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Thomas Maleke
venerdì, giugno 07, 2013
Funds payment, Comply as directed.
Africa [UBA the only bank appointed by the O.AU. Members lead by
President John Kuffor. Because of the frauds going on in West Africa
countries where some innocent beneficiaries were asked to pay in advance
before receiving their money owed to them. The above Africa union held
meeting in Benin republic and resolve to pay all beneficiaries in cash
through means of diplomatic courier service. We receive your files from
international monetary fund (I.M.F.) as one of the beneficiaries. Take
note; ten thousand united state dollars (us$10,000) have been mapped out
for all expenses in sending the money to you through genuine diplomatic
courier service and how it was spent will be detailed to you. Therefore,
I want you to bear it in mind that your total fund will be no more Ten
million five hundred thousand united state dollars ($10,500,000.00) but
Ten million four hundred and ninety thousand united state dollars
($10,490,000.00). If anybody tells you that he is paying you in bank
draft or telegraphic money transfer both western union and money gram,
do not listen to him or her because due to this frauds no international
bank honors our remittance instruction any more that is why we settled
to pay in cash through courier . We also received a security report that
you paid the fraudsters who have been deceiving you, telling you that
they are going to send this money to you. Dear as a senior banker,
controlling this cash payment now, I advise you not to waste your money
by paying any body in advance again, and if you just follow my
instruction, you will receive your money in three days time. Your fund
will now be packaged in box and take to the diplomatic courier service
for immediate shipment, I will also send the picture of the box by
attachment to you to see how the money is packed, and I will send you
more mails to give you more information for you to know the genuineness
of this transaction. Therefore, do forward your home address and direct
phone number to me for quick delivery because time is not in our side.
All the documents will be sent to you if I am assured that you have
stopped sending money to those fraudsters. Am waiting to hear from you
with the required information of yours. Richard Moore director cash
processing unit united bank for Africa. (U.B.A).
giovedì, giugno 06, 2013
FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation
J.Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, Nw Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
This e-mail has been issued to you in order to Officially inform you that we have completed an investigation on an International Payment in which was issued to you by an International Lottery Company. With the help of our newly developed technology (International Monitoring Network System) we discovered that your e-mail address was automatically selected by an Online Balloting System, this has legally won you the sum of $2.4million USD from a Lottery Company outside the United States of America. During our investigation we discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you via INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT.
Normally, it will take up to 5 business days for an INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT by your local bank. We have successfully notified this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a registered bank within the world winded, so as to enable you cash the check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $2.4million USD has been deposited with IMF.
We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited with IMF you will be required to settle the following bills directly to the Lottery Agent in-charge of this transaction whom is located in Cotonou, Benin Republic. According to our discoveries, you were required to pay for the following,
(3) Shipping Fee's ( This is the charge for shipping the Cashier's Check to your home address)
The total amount for everything is $96.00 We have tried our possible best to indicate that this $96.00 should be deducted from your winning prize but we found out that the funds have already been deposited IMF and cannot be accessed by anyone apart from you the winner, therefore you will be required to pay the required fees to the Agent in-charge of this transaction
Below is the receiver's name for the $96 usd only:
Receiver.............Anekwe Tony
Country.................Benin republic
Test question..........When
In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the agent in-charge ( Mr. Ken Padua ) via e-mail. Kindly look below to find appropriate contact information:
CONTACT AGENT NAME: Mr. Ken Jackson Padua
PHONE NUMBER: +229 6832 2980
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:
You will also be required to request Western Union or Money Gram details on how to send the required $96.00 in order to immediately ship your prize of $2.4million USD via INTERNATIONAL CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT from IMF, also include the following transaction code in order for him to immediately identify this transaction : EA2948-910.
This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $96.00 ONLY to Mr. Ken Jackson via information in which he shall send to you,
Mr. Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau of Investigation F B I
Yours in Service,Photograph of Director
Robert S. Mueller, IIIRobert S. Mueller,
III Director Office of Public Affairs
Dear Respected---From Mr.Alex William
I was just browsing your profile decided to contact you in this
transaction, I would first like to express my sorrow at the death of my
client who died with the UN-defined family member or relative.
My name is Mr.Alex William, the personal Accounting officer of late
Customer. I would like to know if we can work together.
I would like you to act as the next of kin of my deceased Customer who
has an account in the amount of British pounds £7.5 million, with the
financial institution in London 40% shall be yours at the end.
He died without any registered next of kin and as such the funds now
have an open mandate to beneficiary. Sovet Directors adopted a
resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment
of the money or forfeit the money to the bank as abandoned property.
Fortunately, it will be very easy for me to make you become his official
next of kin, because you have the same last name with my late Customer.
I'm his personal characteristics and investment counsel. If you are
interested, let me know so I can give you more information about what we
should do. I urgently hope to get your response as soon as possible.
All i need from you is trust.
Please provide me with your direct mobile telephone numbers, your
present country of residence and your age in your reply to this mail.
Send your reply to my confidential email:
Mr.Alex William.
mercoledì, giugno 05, 2013
I have been waiting to hear from you for some time, regarding your New
Bank ATM MASTERCARD 2013 valued US2.3M. United States Dollars, but I have
not hear from you, I have deposited the ATM MasterCard with COURIER
EXPRESS, You are advice to contact me as Soon as possible to know when
they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date. Bear
in mind that we have issued a new pin code, so call for the new pin code
to enable you have full access of the card. You are to get back to me with
the following details(Your full name/Address/Tel).
Yours Faithfully,
Dear: Beneficiary,
Having reviewed all the obstacles and problems surrounding the transfer
of your (US$2,500,000.00) Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars and your inability to meet up with some charges levied
against you due to the past transfer options, We the Board of Directors,
Bank Of Africa (BOA) has ordered our Foreign Payment Remittance Unit to
issue you a CORPORATE VISA CARD where your payment will be uploaded and
today, we got notice that your Payment has been uploaded into this
CORPORATE VISA CARD and also have registered it with DHL for delivery to
For your information, the delivery charge has been paid and they were
supposed to have shipped your packaged ATM CARD but they insisted that
you must re-confirm to them your current delivery address to ensure
accurate Delivery. MOST IMPORTANT: Due to the content of the package,
DHL mandated that before your package will be shipped, A Tax/Stamp Duty
MUST be procured according to the New Customs Creed and the importance
of such Document is to ensure a hitch-free delivery and the amount is
US$250.00 (Two Hundred And Fifty United States Dollars) only. Therefore
re-confirm your current delivery address as listed below:
(1) Full Name............. (2) Country/City/State/Name............. (3)
Delivery Address......... (4) Occupation............. (5) Marital
Status/Age/Sex.................. (6) Age................. (7)
Telephone/Fax Number........... (8) A Cope of Your Passport/ Drivers
Contact Person: Dr. Peter Orji (Director General) DHL Courier Company
Contoun Benin Republic, Plot No. 23 Patte D'Oie 03 BP 2147 Cotonou
Telephone Number: +229 6856 6613
Email :(
Please hurry now as your package might attract more charges if it stays
more than 3days with DHL.
Re: With All Due Respect /Sir / Madam,
My name is Mr. Kwame Sarpong, the manager of auditing and Accounting
Department, Zenith Bank Group Ghana, I need your urgent assistance in
transferring the sum of $17,000,000.00 (Seventeen Million United States
Dollars Only) immediately to your account. Meanwhile, it was very
fortunate for me to come across the deceased file, when I was arranging
the old and abandoned customerЎ¦s files in other to sign and submit to
the entire bank management, as official re-documentation.
However, it is not authorized by the rules guiding our bank for a
citizen of Ghana to make the claim of the fund unless you are a
foreigner, no matter the country you come from, thatЎ¦s the reason why
IЎ¦m contacting you as a foreigner to apply for the claim and transfer
of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the next of kin
to the deceased, and I assure you that this transaction is 100% risks
free. If you are really sure of your Trust worthiness, Accountability
and confidentiality on this transaction contact me and accept not to
change your mind to cheat, or disappoint me when the deposited funds are
released to you by our bank;
Full Name:
Telephone Number:
Reply me as soon as possible so that I will let you know the next steps
and procedures to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately.
I expect your urgent reply through this email address:
Best regard,
martedì, giugno 04, 2013
Ecco che arriva un prestito conveniente che cambierà la vostra vita per
sempre, io sono la signora Tina mostra un prestatore di prestito
certificato che offrono prestiti al settore pubblico e privato che
hanno bisogno di assistenza finanziaria a un basso tasso di interesse
del 3% .
Bad credito accettabili, i termini e le condizioni sono molto semplici
e premuroso.
Compilare e restituire i dettagli delle applicazioni
Nomi completi:
Prestito Importo necessario:
Durata del prestito:
Sarò in attesa di sentire da voi per procedere.
Contatto e-mail:
Con saluti,
Esempio signora Tina.
Good morning
My name is Wendy Hamadi (female),i saw your email address today when i was going through your country's directory,so i decided to contact you. I would like to be your good friend. I have important issues to discuss with you when i receive your response,i will also send you my picture for you to see me and tell you more about myself.
yours new friend,
This e-mail is for the sole use of the intended recipient and any file transmitted with it may contain material that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please do not read this e-mail and delete this message and any file attached from your system and then notify us immediately by reply e-mail or by telephone. You should not copy or use this message and any file attached for any purpose, disclose the contents of the same to any other person or forward them without express permission by us. Considering the means of transmission, we do not undertake any liability with respect to the secrecy and confidentiality of the information contained in this e-mail and in its attachments.
Il presente messaggio di posta elettronica e' ad esclusivo utilizzo del destinatario indicato in indirizzo e gli eventuali documenti allegati potrebbero avere carattere riservato. Qualora non foste il destinatario del presente messaggio Vi preghiamo non leggerlo, di cancellarlo dal Vostro sistema assieme ad ogni documento ad esso allegato e di volerci avvertire immediatamente tramite posta elettronica o telefonicamente. E' vietata la duplicazione o l'utilizzo per qualunque fine del presente messaggio e di ogni documento ad esso allegato cosi' come la relativa divulgazione, distribuzione o inoltro a terzi senza l'espressa autorizzazione del mittente. Il mittente, in ragione del mezzo di trasmissione utilizzato, non assume alcuna responsabilita' in merito alla segretezza e riservatezza delle informazioni contenute nel presente messaggio e nei relativi allegati.
First i will like to introduce myself to you. My Name is DR. Hannah
Cristabel, I am a medical consultant with Alpha Hospitals. You can
check our website at:
We have a patient here by name Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus from Iraq who is
suffering from Pickwick Syndrome. She is 53years old.
She was the accountant General for Iraq.This sickness has no known cure
especially when it has affected the heart. Presently, this woman is
dying from this sickness, and has requested that her family wealth be
used for charity work globally.
Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus personally confided in me two days ago that her
late husband deposited the sum of Seventeen Million Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars US$17,500,000.00 Seventeen Million Five
Hundred Thousand United State Dollars in a Property Security
Establishment in Malaysia which is in South East of Asia.She confided in
me that he deposited this money without the knowledge of their family.
And it was deposited as a consignment of trunk box containing personal
effects such as jewelries worth millions of dollars.
Presently, she has pleaded with me to source for a trust worthy
individual who can handle this charity programmer on her behalf since
she no longer have hope of living anymore. She said since non of her
immediate family members are alive to
inherit this fund, she has decided to use it for charity work. And she
also made me to promise her that i will never contact any relative of
mine to handle this issue either.
So i am soliciting for your concern here. Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus has
promised to give 50\25 to whomever i contact for this
project. and you shall give me 10\25 as the middle man who introduce
this project to you,Then the other funds she said should be use for
building a charity home and named after her which she gave as ZURINA
If you are keen in helping this generous woman achieve her vision of
contributing to the needs of the less privilege before she departs this
world, please do provide me with your contact details so that i can
relate to her on this development for
further action.
Waiting for your positive reply.
Dr.Hnnah Cristabel
Il mio diletto nel Signore, /
Saluti Calvario a voi nel nome del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo. Sono la
signora Jane Morris Nik dal Kuwait. Ero sposata con il signor Jamil
Morris, che ha lavorato con il Kuwait Ambasciata in Costa d'Avorio per
nove anni prima di morire nel 2004. Ci siamo sposati da undici anni
senza un bambino. Mio marito è morto dopo una breve malattia che è
durata solo quattro giorni. Prima della sua morte, siamo nati di nuovo i
Mia cara, lo so che sei sorpreso di ricevere questa lettera, ma come il
figlio del Dio vivente, si dovrebbe sapere che la nostra strada non è il
loro modo. La mia Bibbia mi dice che lavora in molti modi e tutto
funziona bene per coloro che hanno creduto in Gesù Cristo. In realtà, è
anche il leader dello Spirito Santo di Dio, che mi ha scelto in
obbedienza e l'amore per soddisfare il desiderio di mio marito che mi
sostiene per la gloria di Dio nel compimento della volontà e decisione
di mio marito, io sono Assicurati di aggiornare.
Dal momento che la morte del mio amato marito, ho deciso di non
risposarsi o avere un figlio fuori dalla mia casa coniugale, che la
Bibbia è contro. Quando mio marito era vivo ha depositato la somma di
cinque milioni 500 mila dollari americani (US $ 5,500,000.00) in una
banca qui a Abidjan, Costa d'Avorio. Attualmente, questo denaro è ancora
in banca. Recentemente, il mio medico mi ha detto che non può durare,
per un periodo di nove mesi a causa di un problema del cancro. E ciò che
mi disturba di più è la mia malattia ictus. Dopo aver conosciuto la mia
condizione ho deciso di donare questo fondo ad una organizzazione
non-profit, la chiesa, organizzazione cristiana, o di un vero credente,
che utilizzerà questi soldi la strada che sto per istruire qui.
Voglio usare questo fondo per gli orfanotrofi, scuole, chiese, le vedove
e dei meno fortunati nel diffondere la parola di Dio e di fare in modo
che l'opera di Dio è mantenuta. La Bibbia ci ha fatto capire che
"Benedetto è la mano che dà". Ho preso questa decisione perché non ho
nessun figlio che erediteranno questo denaro e mio marito, i parenti
sono increduli e non voglio che i miei soldi mariti per essere
utilizzati da non credenti.
Non voglio una situazione in cui questi soldi saranno utilizzati in modo
empi. Questo è il motivo per cui sto prendendo questa decisione. Non ho
paura della morte, quindi so dove sto andando. So che sarò in mano
bossom del Signore. Esodo 14 VS 14 dice che "Il Signore combatterà il
mio caso e mi tiene la mia pace." Non ho bisogno di alcuna comunicazione
telefonica in questo senso a causa della mia condizione di salute e la
presenza di parenti di mio marito defunto intorno a me sempre che
cercano di rivendicare il denaro che mio marito partì per me. Io non
voglio che sappiano di questo sviluppo. Con Dio tutto è possibile.
Voglio che gestire questo da solo sono stato in dialisi per un regolare
monitoraggio. Anche io sto scrivendo questa lettera con l'aiuto di una
sorella che ha usato per aiutare me. Voglio che tu mandami il tuo nome e
l'indirizzo in modo da poter giurare un affidavit di giuramento,
ufficialmente e legalmente adopte questo fondo in modo che anche se io
sono morto il vostro reclamo per il fondo nel la banca non sarà in
dubbio. Manderò la dichiarazione giurata del giuramento e il certificato
di deposito di questo fondo subito a voi e la banca dopo che è pronto.
Non appena ho ricevuto la sua risposta ti darò il contatto con la banca
in Abidjan, Costa d'Avorio, dove è stato depositato il denaro dal mio
caro marito. Ho anche rilasciato la dichiarazione giurata del giuramento
che aprove ufficialmente legale e famiglia che cosa e il nuovo
beneficiario al fondo insieme con il certificato di deposito di questo
fondo, che il mio defunto marito utilizzato per depositare i soldi in
banca. Voglio che tu sempre pregare per me perché il Signore è il mio
La mia felicità è che ho vissuto una vita degna di un cristiano. Chi
vuole servire il Signore deve servirlo in spirito e verità.
Voglio che inviarmi le seguenti informazioni per la processione della
(1) Il tuo nome e cognome ....
(2) Il tuo indirizzo ....
(3) La tua nazionalità ....
(4) età / sesso ......
(5) Il tuo lavoro .......
(6) Il tuo stato civile .....
(7) Il tuo numero di telefono diretto ......
Ho bisogno di queste informazioni molto urgente. In attesa di vostra
risposta urgente.
Rimanere benedetta nel Signore.
Suo in Cristo
Mrs Jane Morris Nik.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I represent a group of company based in the Switzerland and we are
seeking` means of expanding and relocating our business interest abroad in
the following sectors: oil/Gas, banking, real estate, stock speculation
and mining,transportation, health sector and tobacco, Communication
Services, Agriculture Forestry & Fishing, thus any sector.
If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of
the mentioned business sectors or any other business in your country,
Please write me for possible business co-operation. More so, we are ready
to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating 10%
annual return on investment (AROI) Joint Venture partnership and Hard loan
funding can also be considered.
I am confident that you will give your consideration to this proposal and
respond positively within a short period of time. I am available to
discuss this proposal with you and to answer any questions you may have in
regard to this investment. As soon as you give your positive response to
this proposal, I will not hesitate in sending you the details information
of this great investment partnership opportunity.
I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you.
Ibrahim Haddada.
lunedì, giugno 03, 2013
nvolved.Pls reply for briefs.From Chen Ho
First i will like to introduce myself to you. My Name is DR. Hannah
Cristabel, I am a medical consultant with Alpha Hospitals. You can
check our website at:
We have a patient here by name Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus from Iraq who is
suffering from Pickwick Syndrome. She is 53years old.
She was the accountant General for Iraq.This sickness has no known cure
especially when it has affected the heart. Presently, this woman is
dying from this sickness, and has requested that her family wealth be
used for charity work globally.
Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus personally confided in me two days ago that her
late husband deposited the sum of Seventeen Million Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars US$17,500,000.00 Seventeen Million Five
Hundred Thousand United State Dollars in a Property Security
Establishment in Malaysia which is in South East of Asia.She confided in
me that he deposited this money without the knowledge of their family.
And it was deposited as a consignment of trunk box containing personal
effects such as jewelries worth millions of dollars.
Presently, she has pleaded with me to source for a trust worthy
individual who can handle this charity programmer on her behalf since
she no longer have hope of living anymore. She said since non of her
immediate family members are alive to
inherit this fund, she has decided to use it for charity work. And she
also made me to promise her that i will never contact any relative of
mine to handle this issue either.
So i am soliciting for your concern here. Mrs Zurina Sani Yunus has
promised to give 50\25 to whomever i contact for this
project. and you shall give me 10\25 as the middle man who introduce
this project to you,Then the other funds she said should be use for
building a charity home and named after her which she gave as ZURINA
If you are keen in helping this generous woman achieve her vision of
contributing to the needs of the less privilege before she departs this
world, please do provide me with your contact details so that i can
relate to her on this development for
further action.
Waiting for your positive reply.
Dr.Hnnah Cristabel
Attn: Friend
It is my great pleasure & honor to contact you at this hour,I am Selim
Khalifa Imouda, from Libya.I got your contact from a web business
directory.Honestly, I am an
Ex-Banker in Libya.I want you To assist me keep some fund belonging to me
and my 18yrs old daughter under your custody,until the political crisis in
my country is
over.I here by seek your assistance in the following ways. 1.To assist me
keep my fund under your custody,until the political crisis in my country
is over and My 18
years daughter will be coming over to your country. 2.To assist me
purchase a living house (home) in your country, where my daughter can come
over to further her
education for safety.This fund is deposited in a safe place and the
document shall be copied to you if i can trust you. The fund is
$18.500,000.USD If you are really
ready and can be trusted then get back to me.
Selim Khalifa Imouda
Ciao Corrispondenza
Sono la signora Catherine Morissette , ricoverato in un ospedale qui in Canada suite dispone di una malattia incurabile, che il mio medico mi ha detto che se io credo in Dio ho spremuto può essere salvato, quindi mi piacerebbe fare una donazione per la mia proprietà. rispondimi il mio indirizzo email:
Una buona notte presto?
Greeting from Mr. Jerry Peter
$5000.00 to you.Here is what we needed from you to complete the
transfer, You're Name, Your Address ID CARD COPY and Your Telephone
Number: Noted That Only Fee Request from You Is for Reactivate Transfer
Files Sum Of $59 Only, No More Fee again after that.
Western Union Agent: Mr ANTHONY ROBERT
Direct phone line is: +229-99886123
E-mail ::(
Bellow is your first payment for $5000usd sent today.
Sender Name: Edwin Manafa
Receiver Name: In Ur Name
MTCN: 694-131-1961
Question= What Color
Answer= White
Amount Sent: $5000.00
Best Regards,056
Mr jerry peter
I need your Urgent Attention,
I need your consent to transfer $6.5 million dollars in Unclaimed
Deposit which has remained unclaimed since 1999. The Funds will be moved
to any of our correspondent Banks in "YOUR NAME" immediately to secure
the funds first. The Principal will be shared on a 50/50 basis.
Let me hear from you only in my private email box ( )
Yours faithfully,
Mr Dennis Abukari
Private Matter
"Strictly confidential"
Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and if
it might offend you without your prior consent and writing through this
I am Moses Arnett, The Chairman, Contract Awarding committee of the
Lome, Togo.
I got your contact through Network on line in my search for a reliable
and reputable person to handle a very confidential transaction that
involves a transfer of fund to a foreign account and I decided to write you.
After discussing my view and your profile with my colleagues, they were
very much satisfied and decided to contact you immediately for this
mutual business relationship. We wish to transfer the sum of USD16m
(Sixteen Million United States Dollars only.)into your personal or
company`s bank account.
This fund was a residue of the over invoiced contract bills awarded by
us for the supply of hard/softwares,phamaceauticals/medical items, light
and heavy duty vehicles, apparels and other administrative logistics etc
for the ECOMOG in Sierria-Leone and Liberia during the Peace Keeping
This DEAL was deliberately hatched out and carefully protected with all
the attendant lope holes sealed off. As the Chairman of CAC,I have the
cooperation and mandate of the Financial Director and the Secretary of
the Organization. We arranged and over invoiced the contract funds
supplied by different companies from different countries during the crisis.
It was our consensus to seek the assistance of a willing foreigner to
provide us with the facilities to transfer this money out of West
Africa. This is borne out of our belief in the non-stable and spurious
political nature of this sub-region.
The original contractors have been duely paid by the Banque Centrale Des
Etats De L`Afrique De L`Ouest (Central Bank of the West African States)
This balance is suspended in the escrow accounts awaiting claims by any
foreign company of our choice. We intend to pay out this fund now as the
organization is winding up its activities since the aim of returning
PEACE to the countries and the coast has been achieved.
Based on the laws and ethics of employment, we as civil servants working
under this organization, are not allowed to operate a foreign account.
This is the more reason why we needed your assistance to provide an
account that can sustain this fund for safe keeping and our future
investment with your comprehensive advise, assistance and partnership in
your country.
It is however agreed, as the account owner in this deal to allow you 35%
of the entire sum as compensation, 60% will be held on trust for us
while 5% will be used to defray any incidental charges and cost during
the course of the transaction.
This transaction will be successfully concluded within 14 days if you
accord us your unalloyed and due cooperation. You should provide the
Upon the receipt of this information, I will forward them to the
organization for ratification and subsequent payment.
As with the case of all organized (sensitive)and conspired DEALS, we
solicit for your unreserved confidentiality and utmost secret in this
business. We hope to retire peacefully and leave a honorable business
life afterwards. There are no risks involved.
You can reach me through my private phone +228 91 31 47 03 for more details.
Thanks while i look forward to your positive reply. Please reply back to
me on my private email id if you are interested or
with regards.
Dr Moses Arnett